pumpkin-in-her-true-formPumpkin is Thunder Eagle Production’s human relations supervisor. She is also the second most famous Cairn Terrier in history.

Pumpkin resides with her close personal friend Pace Encell in Southern California and does most of her human relations supervising while on her back being belly-scratched.

Unusual Facts about Pumpkin:

She has chased a herd of deer two miles, bitten a 285 pound MMA fighter on his taint, routinely grazes in recreational marijuana patches, appears  in every movie Pace makes, and is currently seeking a suitable Cairn Terrier suitor.

She loves hunting and often swims in rivers catching the trout that fisherman throw back. She once ate eleven trout in one outing and could not poop for two days. (Like many human Americans, Pumpkin has a bit of an eating disorder.)

Trying to get hold of Pumpkin? She doesn’t do email, but listen closely and maybe you will hear her catchphrase. “Don’t be a dick. Yip! Yip!”